domingo, 5 de abril de 2020

INGLÉS-SEMANA 4: del 6 al 10 de ABRIL


Grammar – Regular past simple
Pupil´s book-Page 48.
Act. 11. Haz una lista con las cosas que Duncan quería hacer en Loch Ness.
Act, 13-14- Fast Track grammar. Activities: 10-11-12.
Essential Activity book, Page 47 copy on your notebook the activity 11.
Vídeo: What did she do????   Write a list of things she did? 


Listening- Writing
 Pupil´s book-Page 49
Act. 15. Listen, count and match.
Act. 16 Listen and find out. What Duncan did yesterday?
Act. 17. Write six sentences about things you did yesterday and 6 you didn´t.
Essential Activity book, Page 48. Activities 13-14 and 15

Video. What is the name of the national park??  What can you do in Loch Ness???


Pupil´s book-Page 50. Activities: 19-20
Essential Activity book, Page 50 . Activities 19-20- 21 and 22

Vídeo: What are the 10 things you must do in  Scotland????


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